Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Movie Review: Public Enemies

Overall a good movie....

The Good: Johnny Depp was awesome as usual and fit perfectly in the role of notorious gangster and bank robber John Dillinger. Even when he wasnt saying anything he was amazing. Also Christain Bale was a ruthless bad ass as FBI agent Melvin Purvis, He shoots down and kills Pretty Boy Floyd (Channing Tatum) within the first 5 min of the movie and then later on kills Baby Face Nelson at the end of a vicous shoot out and high speed chase. The acting from all of the supporting cast was also top notch, especially that of Depps love interest in the film played by Marion Cotillard. Not to mention it was written and directed by Micheal Mann (Heat)

The Bad: It was a somewhat long movie and if it wasnt for some scenes that really dragged out for no reason at all that would have been ok. Also during a few of the shootouts and Action Scenes they were using handheld HD cameras which was an interesting idea by mann but it was very distracting and looked a kinda cheap and stupid at times.

Rating : B+


  1. I really like the HD camera sequences they used during the shootouts. I thought it gave the movie that documentary feel like when your watching the history channel and they do those re-enacments...I thought it was cool

    And I think the movie should be an A- at the very least

  2. Heat in my opinion was an A- at the very least I think he gave this movie a B+ due to the fact that channing tatum is the ultra turd and his cameo was useless not to mention as awesome a movie as this was it did drag at points
