Thursday, August 6, 2009

GI Joe opening this weekend...

With GI joe opening this weekend it's likeley to take the top spot at the box office. I'm hearing predictions of 50million opening weekend. I honestly think theyre making way to many movies that rely soley on there CGI special effects and not enough on a decent story or character. Look at Transformers for example, dont get me wrong transformers was awsome. But it was awsome because it was just good stupid fun, your not taking it serious. Your excited to see giant CGI robots kick the crap out of eachother while Megan Fox struts around in sluty outfits (not that I'm complaining) movie not such an amazing story.

I'm positive GI Joe will fall into this same category, Which I guess isnt all that bad for a summer popcorn flick. Its not really meant to blow your mind and make you think, it's there to entertain you for shits and giggles. There really was no real reason for this post just thought I would rant. I never watched transformers as a kid but I liked the toys. I never watched GI Joe either and I thought the toys were stupid....But the movie does look kinda cool, But at the same time does anyone agree parts of the trailers we have seen do look a little chese whiz?


  1. You forgot to mention that channing tatum is a turd well at least IMO.

    His bit part cameo in public enemies was pointless and GI Joe looks retarded

  2. your right he is a turd lol. I'm glad someone said it

  3. I dont like channing tatum but my girlfriend does and I loved the GI Joe cartoon and action figures as a kid so shes gonna see it with me this weekend. If the movie sucks balls, then channing tatum will officially be a turd in my books for ruining GI Joe like Shia Labouef ruined Transformers for me...Damn that michael Bay lmao

  4. Im jumping on the band wagon

    Channing Tatum is a turd, It's official

  5. the movie will suck balls...I'm waiting for it to come out on video and even then I'm not gonna be goin outa my way to see it

    tatum the turd

    pass the koolaid

  6. Movie Guy...My question to you is this

    Do you concur that Channing Tatum is the turd King and do you intend to review this movie regardless of this fact?lol

  7. Yes I still plan to review the movie and I must concur that Channing Tatum is infact a turd.

    They have not allowed for pre-screenings of the film. So my review will be up as of the morning of Saturday August 8th.
