Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Movie Review: Funny People

Funny People is the third film by Director Judd Apatow (the 40 year old virgin, Knocked Up). It seem everytime he makes a movie he tries to take serious things about real life and make them hilarious. Once again he does a great job of this with his usual team Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill and wife Lesley Mann aswell as there two kids which were also in Knocked up. Joining the apatow team this time around were Jason Shwartzman, Eric Bana who was hilarious as Mann's husband, and long time friend Adam Sandler.

The movie follows the Life of George Simmons (Adam Sandler) a succesful actor and comedian that finds out hes dying from a rare disease and theres little chance he'll survive. After finding this out he decides he's going to start doing stand up comedy again before he dies while at the comedy club he meets a new comedian named Ira Wright (Seth Rogen) that he decides to hire to write his jokes and be his personal assistant. Jonah Hill and Jason Shwartzman are Ira's roommates, Jonah is a stand up comedian and Jason is a sitcom actor. Lesley Mann plays Sandlers ex girlfriend that he tries to win back when he finds out hes dying.

Despite the serious subject matter of the movie its actually very funny. I think this may be Sandler's best movie to date and maybe even his funniest, the same goes for Apatow and Rogen. Alot of people are saying that Sandler may get an Oscar Nomination for his role, I cant argue that at all. It was nice to see sandler in something where he wasnt forced to be kid friendly and PG with his comedy...He was at the top of his game

Also I hafto add Eminems cameo was hilarious and very well written.

Rating: A-

The movie is a little bit long but moves along nicely and keeps you laughing to the end


  1. just saw this movie, It was hilarious. I also loved sandler without boundries

  2. you know whos not a turd....Adam Sandler

    Also hafto mention 2 things

    1) Loved Seth Rogens Super Jew shirt in the movie and think he really stepped his game up this time around

    2) Eminems cameo really suprised me, he was hilarious
