Sunday, November 1, 2009

I actually saw GI Joe....I downloaded that bitch. I sure as fuck was not gonna pay money for a Channing "The Turd" Tatum movie. I thought it sucked all kinds of ass and balls....pure cheese whiz, Not that I was surprised.

What else.....What the fuck happened to Funny People the Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen black comedy that came out this year. It was hilarious but it bombed in the theaters...fuckin people!

Why is anyone talking about The Sopranos Movie still? Shit isnt gonna happen as much as me or any other fan of the series wants it to. Everytime I see another fucktard that loved that show they tell me theres a movie being made they saw or read the shit somewhere.....BULLLLSHITTT they did, google that mothafucka,, the shit aint happenin

Some other shit....SpiderMan 4 is actually being made???!!! wow, because the last one was fuckin retarded...I would like to see Batman 3 news...fuck spiderman the little web slingin bitch

thats all for today ....meh

New Title........New Direction

Welcome to "Random Shit of The Day"....

It doesnt need to be todays random shit or even yesterdays, It's no longer Movie News or Reviews either. Why? Who gives a shit why, nobody!

Time to rant.........